Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Light Green Jade - Mix and Match

I took a trip to China a couple of years ago, and fell in love with jade.  So, I was really excited when I found all of these different beads in a beautiful light green jade.

In a previous post, I talked about mixing and matching strands using an "S" clasp.  I had so many options with the green jade, I thought it would work really well with another mix and match set.  Here is the set, with the strands slightly twisted.

Here are the 5 strands and the earrings.

And a further close-up of the different strands.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Scalemaille Bracelet

I have been intrigued by scalemaille since I first saw it.  But, I never had the right sized rings.  When I finally put the sizing together, this is the resulting bracelet.  I am very happy with it!!

Here is a close-up:

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Black Jasper - Multi-strand Necklace Set

I wear a lot of black.  And, I mean, A LOT of black.  It is easy, versatile, and goes with everything.  I went looking for some tonal black beads to make into pieces to go with my black wardrobe.

I saw these beautiful black jasper disks and thought they were awesome.  Then, I went to work putting them together into a multi-strand necklace, with a co-ordinating bracelet and earrings.

Here is the set.

This is a close-up showing the different strands of the necklace.  In addition to the jasper disks linked together with dark metal pins, there is a strand of black onyx spheres, and a strand of grey/black glass chips.  There are also two strands of black metal chain.

And, here is a close-up of another one of the jasper disks, showing the pins and beads on each side of the disk for that strand of the necklace and the bracelet.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Orange and Red Mobius Chainmaille Set

I saw this pattern in Step by Step Wire Jewelry a couple of years ago and had to make it.  I really love how the colours look together.

I stepped the necklace, to the bracelet to the earrings by going down one row in diameter with each smaller piece.  I think it keeps the pattern but adds a nice balance.

This is the three pieces together.

This shot shows a closer view of the three different widths in the pieces.

Finally, here is a very close shot of the necklace.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Yellow Shell Statement Necklace

Yellow is one of those colours that makes for great accent pieces, but does not look great against my skin.  I saw these shell beads, and thought they would work really well in a statement type necklace.  There is just enough other colour in them so that they do not totally wash me out. 

I have a great black plaid skirt with yellow accents that this matches perfectly.  I went for a simple design that still took up a lot of space in the v-neck area.

This close-up shows the colour and texture in the shells.